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Title: Circular clothes store game
Creators: BA Students (UGent)
Description: The aim of this game is to develop a concept about a circular clothes store for children, where they can learn in a playful way about the importance of recycling and reusing, while the parents can buy the circular clothes in the store. The concept has been divided into three parts: an introduction to the store, the game the children will play and a reflection part to make them change the future! The player has to decide which aspect they will adapt in their store. This game was developed during the co-creation process of the BA course “Co-creation – UGent”
Title: The impact of transport
Creators: BA Students (UGent)
Description: The aim of this game is to understand the needs for transportation in Gent city. The player has to get to as many places as possible in a timespan of 2 hours. This game was developed during the co-creation process of the BA course “Co-creation – UGent”
Title: SBS App Features
Creators: BA Student
Description: In this game, the players select the features they would want for their step-by-step (SBS) plan app. They should be careful that both teachers and students should receive points since this app is for the both of them. This game was developed during the co-creation process of the BA course “Co-creation – UGent”
Title: Make a water fountain concept
Creators: BA Students (UGent)
Description: In this game, the players have to develop a concept for water fountains by selecting possible places to place them around the city. They have to make sure they satisfy various age groups while still keeping the production and maintaining cost of the fountain low. This game was developed during the co-creation process of the BA course “Co-creation – UGent”
Title: Discover water needs
Creators: BA Students (UGent)
Description: In this game, the players have to discover the citizen needs for water consumption in relation to environmental impact, money, Covid safety and comfort. . This game was developed during the co-creation process of the BA course “Co-creation – UGent”
Title: House sensoring
Creators: BA Students (UGent)
Description: In this game the player aims to create a safe environment for childre by selecting places to put sensors in their house, considering also their budget. The bigger the surface where you want to place the sensor, the more it will cost. It is not a given that the safty will go up in the same linear way. This game was developed during the co-creation process of the BA course “Co-creation – UGent”
Title: Different impacts
Creators: BA Students (UGent)
Description: The aim of this game is to discover the differences in impact when a project team is able to go on the project location, i.e. South Africa, compared to when the team has to stay in the design country (Belgium) and work remotely on the project. Depending on the initial case (go on location or stay in your country), the player has a different set of availiable choices to chose from. The choices affect game fields relevant to the project’s impact (impact on the locals, fullfilment, future value, personal growth, copleting intial goal). This game was developed during the co-creation process of the BA course “Co-creation – UGent”
Title: Healthy work environment (available in Greek language)
Creators: BA Students (UNIWA)
Description: The aim of this game is to help the player understand the parameters of achieving a healthy work environment. The players make choices regarding their work life which affect mental and physical health fields (Rest, Motivation, Pressure). This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the BA course “Design of products and services – UNIWA”
Title: Finding ViPo
Creators: BA Students (UNIWA)
Description:This is an interactive story game in which the player explores different planets in the universe trying to save ViPo. Through the game the player learns about the solar system and the planets. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the BA course “Design of products and services – UNIWA”
Title: Health Game
Creators: BA Students (UNIWA)
Description:In this game the players have to balance their health, calories and energy by making choices between different meals and different ways of working out. The best player is the one who remains the longest, i.e. make as many choices as possible. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the BA course “Design of products and services – UNIWA”
Title: Unimap
Creators: BA Students (UNIWA)
Description: In this game the player is a university student who has to find the best and shortest route for reaching certain locations in their campus. The winner is the one who will make the smaller number of steps (i.e. choices) for raching each location. The game also includes an exploration mode for freely exploring the University Campus map. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the BA course “Design of products and services – UNIWA”
Title: Smart Mobile Hub
Creators: BA Students (UNIWA)
Description: This is a game about immersion and empathy regarding the life of introvert and extrovert persons. The players first select wether they will play the game as an introvert or an extrovert person and then they make daily choices in the city of Athens that affect the game fields (Mood, Infulence, Health, Time, Energy). Depending on the player’s role (introvert or extrovert) the consequences of the choices will vary. The aim is to remain in the game by making as many choices as possible without any of the game fields cross specific red lines. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the BA course “Design of products and services – UNIWA”
Title: Accommodation for students
Creators: BA Students (UNIWA)
Description: In this game the player is a university student and has to make balanced everyday choices in the city. The aim is to make as many choices as possible by balancing Fun, Money, Learning, Energy and Social Fileds with their choices. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the BA course “Design of products and services – UNIWA”
Title: Build a helmet
Creators: BA Students (UNIWA)
Description: In this game the players have to design a motorcycle helmet prototype by making choices that affect the specifications of their product and their budget. This game was the final product of a co-creation case
Title: Build an electric scooter
Creators: BA Students (UNIWA)
Description: In this game the players have to design an electic scooter prototype by making choices that affect the specifications of their product (e.g. weight, durability, eco friendliness) and their budget. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the BA course “Design of products and services – UNIWA”
Title: Smart Energy Management
Creators: MSc Students (NKUA)
Description: In this game the players are challenged to reinovate their house by making affordable but also environmental friendly choices of material and devices. Each choice affects the game fileds: Energy Saving, Comfort, Money, Pollution and Energy Upgrade. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the MSc course “Educational Design of Digital Material and Scenarios – NKUA”
Title: Educational game for 21st century skills
Creators: MSc Students (NKUA)
Description: In this game the player takes the role of a school teacher who designs a course for their student. The choices are different learning activities in the classroom that affect the development of students’ skills i.e. Computational Thinking, Collaboration and Creativity, but they also affect the engagement time. The aim is to make as many choices as possible to achieve a balanced learning activity. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the MSc course “Educational Design of Digital Material and Scenarios – NKUA”
Title: The College Game
Creators: MSc Students (NKUA)
Description: In this game for high-school students who are struggling with making decisions on their next steps. This game aims to give them an overall picture of the available universities and colleges in the country through different choices and consequences. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the MSc course “Educational Design of Digital Material and Scenarios – NKUA”
Title: Visiting Athens
Creators: MSc Students (NKUA)
Description: In this game the players are tourists in Athens who have to plan their trip in the city by making choices of places to visit. Each place affects their Money, Tiredness, Time, Mood, Hunger, Covid_19 Danger and Knowledge. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the MSc course “Educational Design of Digital Material and Scenarios – NKUA”
Title: Ecological Footprint
Creators: MSc Students (NKUA)
Description: Ιn this game the player is a consumer who buys products from different local stores. The player has to pay attention to the ecological footprint of the packaging and the production of the products and keep them in low levels. The aim is to remain in the game for as long as possible, i.e. make the most choices without losing. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the MSc course “Educational Design of Digital Material and Scenarios – NKUA”
Title: Womanity Game
Creators: MSc Students (NKUA)
Description: A game to empathize with modern women in western societies and to understand their needs. The payers take the role of a woman in her 40s who tries to balance Wellness, Family, Career and Social life. The aim is to remain in the game for as long as possible. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the MSc course “Educational Design of Digital Material and Scenarios – NKUA”.
Title: The challenges of a refugee student
Creators: MSc Students (NKUA)
Description: This is a simulation game that depicts the life of refugees students in Greece and the challenges and dangers they face daily. The player takes the role of a refugee student and makes choices to survive for as long as possible. Each choice affects the game Fields: Money, Stress, Education, Social life and Time. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the MSc course “Educational Design of Digital Material and Scenarios – NKUA”.
Title: Cyber Security Game
Creators: MSc Students (NKUA)
Description: This game engages the player with the concept of cyber security. The player takes the role of a child who selects from different online apps and websites to use, each affecting the game fileds “Fraud, Personal Data, Cyber Bulling, Fun, Addiction, Money and Social Interaction”. The aim is to make as many choices as possible without the game field values cross certain limits. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the MSc course “Educational Design of Digital Material and Scenarios – NKUA”.
Title: The Green Consumer
Creators: MSc Students (NKUA)
Description: This is a game about our choices as consumers and their environmental impact. The player takes the role of the consumer who buys different types of products. Each product affect 3 game fields “Reusability, Accessibility and Availiable Money”. The aim is to make “Reusability” value or “Accessibility” value greater than 30 without losing all your money. This game was the final product of a co-creation case in the MSc course “Educational Design of Digital Material and Scenarios – NKUA”.
created by
Title: Equipment Store
Creators: UNIWA & NKUA
Description: The player in this game owns a camping equipment store. In order for his business to be sustainable, products that fill the needs of many and different with each other target groups have to be provided in a balanced way. Those who camp occasionally need simple and affordable equipment while those who camp regularly but only during summer and need durable products but not necessarily products with advanced features. Extreme campers, on the other hand need equipment of high quality and they usually prefer more specialized equipment for mountain camping. The owner selects among products of different quality in order to attract all target groups so that his business remains sustainable.
Title: Cloth store
Creators: LUT
Description: This game introduces the Triple Bottom Line theory on economics according to which companies should not only focus on profits but also on social and environmental concerns. Although traditional financial models use the term “bottom line” to refer to profit or loss, in this case the bottom line is triple and refers to environmental and social aspects of the business activities as well. It is inspired by a true initiative of students who founded the Cloth Shop cooperative. Their idea is to provide an opportunity for other students to buy different kinds of clothing. The university administration decided to offer the cooperative affordable premises. Students were offered a space for the cooperative’s store, the ClothShop in which second hand clothing, imported low price clothing, locally made new clothing and the cooperative’s brand clothing are sold. The space is a bit small for a clothing store, meaning that only a relatively small number of products can be available in the shop at the same time. So the management team has to choose what kind of clothing will put in the store every time there is space to be filled in the shelves, selecting again among the above kinds of clothing. It is important that the wishes of shareholders and customers are listened to and ClothShop does not run out of money.
Title: Marketing actions
Creators: LUT
Description: When sales have not developed sufficiently, the company’s marketing activities need to be intensified. Promoting your product, hiring new people or even upgrading a product can draw attention and may eventually increase sales. In this game the player is the owner of a business called SmartJacket started officially a week ago. The aim of the player is to increase Smart Jacket sales. His/her available choices include different marketing activities which aim to attract customers. To remain in the game the player should keep making choices that balance the impact to the game fields which are based on the AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) model. AIDA model is a marketing model that traces the cognitive stages through which a customer moves while she/he makes a purchase. These are Attention, referring to the customer becoming aware of the product, Interest where the customer becomes interested in the product, Desire referring to the customer wanting to buy the product and Action, where the customer interacts with the product and proceeds to actions intending to buy it.
Title: Standards ChoiCo (template game)
Creators: AEGEAN
Description: During the product design development companies set specifications and procedures aiming to ensure the reliability and quality of their products. These specifications so called standards are design principles which provide guidance to the designer through a set of rules referring to design constraints and design and testing criteria specifications.
This ChoiCo game is a game template (incomplete game) which students will use in order to set the standards of the product they will design in their project during the course. For each standard different solutions will be provided that will affect different characteristics of the final product. Students will be based on this game template in order to create their own games which will represent their decision making process while they design their product.
Title: Innovation Game
Creators: UNIWA
Description: Nowadays the creation of a new business is much more complicated than before. People who try to establish a new company face different choices and decisions, which affect different parameters and variables and the future of the company. The policy of a new business should be decided through different choices. For example, if a new business would be eco-friendly or not is something that affects the public view of the company and its financial results. In this game, the player is the owner and manager of a new company and her/his aim is to make that combination of choices that would lead her/his company to the best overall results. To remain in the game the player should keep her/his company results above some limits while choosing among different strategies. However some of the game choices have consequences values that are irrational to the common sense, challenging students to discuss about them and fix them.
Title: Material Selection
Creators: IUE
Description: This game aims to evaluate the suitability of a certain material for the production of a conventional product. What are the pros and cons of materials used for different applications? While a certain material may be suitable for a certain product, it may not be so for a another.
In this game, the player is the owner of a factory unit which produces products of different companies. Her/his aim is to select among different kinds of raw materials in order to produce as many as possible kinds of products. Some of these materials are suitable for more products that others but some others that may be suitable for less products have advantages concerning the quality of the final product. To remain in the game the player should keep making choices that balance the amount of production of as many products as possible without running out of money. A selection of a choice means that the player selects to supply the factory with this raw material.
Best Games
Title: The Impact of empathy
Key words: empathy, immersion, observation, interview
Abstract: There are different tools and methods to empathize with users. According to the user you want to target, some approaches are easier/better for certain groups as for others. Each tool/approach has its advantages and disadvantages. Try to empathize as good as possible with your the different audiences to understand the problem from their point of view. Make sure you don’t neglect a certain audience!
Game Description: Try to empathize as good as possible with the different audiences to understand the problem from their point of view. Make sure you don’t neglect a certain audience!
Title: Material Selection
Key words: production, factory, material, plastic
Abstract: This game aims to evaluate the suitability of a certain material for the production of a conventional product. What are the pros and cons of materials used for different applications? While a certain material may be suitable for a certain product, it may not be so for a another.
In this game, the player is the owner of a factory unit which produces products of different companies. Her/his aim is to select among different kinds of raw materials in order to produce as many as possible kinds of products.
Game Description: Select among different kinds of raw materials which your factory needs in order to produce as many as possible kinds of industrial products. Some materials are suitable for more products but some others which are used for the production of less products have many advantages concerning the quality of the final outcome.
Title: Womanity
Key words: empathy, social role, social life, career, family
Abstract:In this game students develop their empathy by spending a day as a woman, trying to balance their roles.
Game description:Try to balance the 24h of a woman’s day making the right choices!
Title: Textile Strain Sensors Characterization
Key words: sensor, elastic, coated, textile
Abstract: A company which produces textile sensors has to invest money on different kind of textile substrates, conductive materials and manufacturing processes so that four types of sensors can be produced. The player needs to make choices referring textile substrates, conductive materials and manufacturing processes so that the production of all four kind of sensors is possible.
Game description: You work as a supplier consultant to a company that produces four different kinds of sensors.
Consult your company to invest in textile substrates, conductive materials and manufacturing processes in a balanced way so different kinds of sensors can be produced.
Title: Uses of an e-learning platform
Key words: learning, Moodle, e-learning platform
Abstract: Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a system to create personalized learning environments ( Designing an online course using Moodle includes the selection of different kinds of educational resources such as Chat, Assignments, Glossary, Forum, Quizzes etc. Educators need to choose resources that will help their students acquire new knowledge but also stay motivated. In this game the player tests a Moodle course choosing among the use of different resources in order to track her/his material progress and her/his motivation.
Game description: Taking the role of the learner, you can choose to complete a course. Choose the activities you want keeping in mind that learning is often easier when it includes interaction with others and has to be fun so that you can stay motivated.
Title: The impact of transport
Key words: transport, sustainaility, time management
Abstract: In this game students explore different transport options taking into accont their impact on the environment.
Game description: Explore ransport choices in a city. Try to get to as many places as you can in a timespan of 2 hours. Make sure you don’t neglect ecology!
Title: Equipment Store
Key words: sustainability, camping tent, insulation, waterproof, pegs, material, customisation
Abstract: The player in this game owns a camping equipment store. In order for his business to be sustainable, products that fill the needs of many and different with each other target groups have to be provided in a balanced way. Those who camp occasionally need simple and affordable equipment while those who camp regularly but only during summer and need durable products but not necessarily products with advanced features. Extreme campers, on the other hand need equipment of high quality and they usually prefer more specialized equipment for mountain camping. The owner selects among products of different quality in order to attract all target groups so that his business remains sustainable.
Game description: In this game you are the owner of a store, which sells camping equipment. You have to select different products to sell to your store, keeping in mind that it is important for the sustainability of your business to be be ale to satisfy all kinds of users.
Title: The many uses of a heating pad
Key words: heating pads, conductive material, textile
Abstract: The player takes the role of a supply manager for a factory/company that produces heating pads of different uses. Her/his aim is to provide the company with materials and technologies so that the company can produce all types or at least most of the types of heating pads.
Every choice the player makes, means that he provides the company with the material/ technology that the company needs to produce heating pads for different uses.
Game Description: You are asked to make a plan for the material the company will order in order to be able to develop heating pads for different potential uses. You can choose from a variety of materials and technologies that will be ordered and then will be used in the development of the pad. Depending on the potential use of the heating pad (i.e. wheelchair, indoor events, outdoor events or heating therapy) different parameters should be taken into consideration e.g. power supply, comfort, heatability etc. Your goal is to provide the company with materials in a way that all types of heating pad can be produced.
Title: House Sensoring
Key words: sensor, energy saving
Abstract: In this game the player explores the functionalities of a smart house by adding sensors in his house.
Game Description: Build a smart house! Place sensors in a house in order to make it as safer as possible.
Title: Ecological Footprint
Key words: packaging, sustainability
Abstract: Ecological footprint reffers to humans’ dependence on natural resources by calculating how much of the environment is needed to sustain a particular lifestyle. In this game students can explore what impact their choices have on the environment according to their packaging.
Game description: The environment is in danger! So pay attention to the ecological footprint of the packaging and the production of the products you will buy.
Title: Heating Outdoor Pads for a wheelchair
Key words: heating textile, conductive material, textile, wheelchair
Abstract: A heating pad is to be developed which can be used for wheelchair application. Questions concerning the energy efficiency of the whole system are of great importance. Does the cushion have to heat all the time, what happens when the user stands up? Is there a comfortable temperature that has to be maintained? How do I achieve a long functional life with the lowest possible weight? Equally important are robustness in terms of environmental impact such as water, cold, stowage in confined spaces, robust handling, easy operation and attractive design. Knowledge of material selection, textile sensor technology, power supply and contacting and energy management is required. Furthermore, questions of mechanical resilience and protection against moisture must be considered.
Game description: You are asked to develop a concept for a light energy-efficient heating pad for outdoor use. You can choose from a variety of materials and technologies to be used in the development of the pad. In your design, you must consider a number of parameters (comfort, foldability, price, energy efficiency and heatability) in relation to the use of application of the heating pad.
Title: Building an online course
Key words: Moodle, e-learning
Abstract: Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a system to create personalized learning environments ( Designing an online course using Moodle includes the selection of different kinds of educational resources such as Chat, Assignments, Glossary, Forum, Quizzes etc. Educators need to choose resources that will help their students acquire new knowledge but also stay motivated. In this game the player tests a Moodle course choosing among the use of different resources in order to track her/his material progress and her/his motivation.
Game description: Your aim in this game is to design a Moodle course by selecting different resources to include. Each resource can be selected as many times as you want! However, keep in mind that the game fields must remain balanced!
Title: ClothShop
Key words: business, store, Tripple Bottom Line concept, bottom line?
Abstract: This game introduces the Triple Bottom Line theory on economics according to which companies should not only focus on profits but also on social and environmental concerns. Although traditional financial models use the term “bottom line” to refer to profit or loss, in this case the bottom line is triple and refers to environmental and social aspects of the business activities as well. It is inspired by a true initiative of students who founded the Cloth Shop cooperative. Their idea is to provide an opportunity for other students to buy different kinds of clothing. The space of the store given to the students is a bit small for a clothing store, meaning that only a relatively small number of products can be available in the shop at the same time. So the management team has to choose what kind of clothing will put in the store every time there is space to be filled in the shelves, selecting again among the above kinds of clothing. It is important that the wishes of shareholders and customers are listened to and ClothShop does not run out of money.
Game description: ClothShop aims to provide an opportunity for students to buy eco-friendly local clothing, second hand clothing and the cooperative’s own branded products. Now that the cooperation has opened a new store, the management team has to choose what kind of business to start, i.e. what kind of products are to be sold. It is important that the wishes of shareholders and customers are listened to and ClothShop does not run out of money.
Title: Fountain Concept
Key words: city, fountain
Abstract: In this game the player explores different options about placing a fountain in the center of the city.
Game description: You have to develop a concept for water fountains located around the city. Make sure you satisfy various age groups while still keeping the production and maintaining cost of the fountain low.
Title: Smart Jacket
Key words: product testing, smart textile, jacket?
Abstract: Wearables and smart clothes are becoming very popular and part of our everyday life. However, we should consider how useful they are and how they may affect, positive or negative, our activities and habits. Do we need to be online all the time? How comfortable it is to replace our usual clothes with smart ones? For which of our activities a wearable, like a smart jacket, would be really useful and for which ones it would be more of a bourdon? The idea for the smart jacket game was inspired by a similar lunched by Levis and Google; a denim jacket that answers phone calls, charges your phone and controls your music. Source:
Game Description: You just bought our new Sport Smart Jacket that charges your smartphone and answers your phone calls.
However, it weighs 3 Kg, it only comes in the colour red and it is not waterproof.
Visit some places in your city to see how it affects your everyday life!
Title: Design a smart fabric sensor
Key words: smart textiles, sensor, conductive material, manufacturing
Abstract: At the end of November one of our customer told us they needed 100.000 sensors and the requested delivery was end of February, 2020. We decided to take this opportunity and in less than two working months (in Italy all companies close for three weeks for winter holidays) we had to make decisions about the materials we wanted for our sensor, contact the suppliers that were able to deliver and set up a production line in order to deliver the product within a specific price range. In this game we are trying to reproduce the same steps that brought us to a successful result. In this game you have to make decisions to produce as many prototypes as possible, taking onto account upredictable events such as COVID19 pandemic which may affect the cost of production.
Game Description: Designing smart fabrics for large volumes of production is a challenging task: you have constraints based on costs and at the same time you have constraints due by the choice of materials, their characteristics, the durability, the impact on the environment, just to name a few.
Title: Designing a camping tent
Key words: camper/camping?, outdoors?
Abstract: When designing a product its characteristics and features have to match the end user needs. What a camper takes account when choosing a camping tent may be the weight, thermo insulation, waterproof fabric, its stability and the cost. So, in order to design a camping tent, the player has to choose among different parts so that the final product meets the end user needs.
Game description: You are the team leader in a project for the development of a new tent that will be used in the outdoor activities of occasional camping users.
Title: Build a helmet
Key words: safety?, industrial design, material
Abstract: In this game the player explores different king of materials in order to design and produce a helmet that corresponds his specific needs.
Game description: Create your very own helmet depending on your needs.Be careful not to spend too much money.
Title: Build an electric scooter
Key words: scooter, industrial design
Abstract: In this game the player explores the different parts of an electric scooter.
Game description: Understand the main parts of a electric scooter, as well as their characteristics (Price, Weight, Durability).
Title: Sustainable Textile Dying
Key words: Discover-Understanding
Abstract: The beautiful colors and patterns we all adore on our fabrics is yet another deadly and toxic process further polluting our planet and causing illnesses ( During last few decades, ecological concerns related to the use of most of the synthetic dyes, resulted to the production of new eco-friendly substitutes for minimizing their negative environmental impacts, and various aspects of bio-colorant applications ( Natural dyes come from natural sources like plants, animals, fruits, insects, and minerals etc. now a days natural dyes are used in commercial basis to dye the textile materials [16]. (Reviewing the Sustainability of Natural Dyes Alam SMM1, Islam S2* and Akter S2). While natural dye sources are renewable, sustainability can still be an issue as producing them require vast areas of land, great amount of water and possibly use of polluting pesticides. In order to make environmentally friendly choices in the textile dying industry one has to consider which choices are really sustainable.
Game Description: You are hired in a Textile Dyeing company and you are responsible for the supply of textile dyes in the company’s factories. You can choose from a variety of natural and synthetic dyes, always considering the impact of your choices on health and sustainability issues. Synthetic dyes are effective and cheap but toxic and polluting while natural dyes are biodegradable but expensive and not always a sustainable choice due to the amount of land and water needed for their production.
Title: Marketing Actions – AIDA Model
Key words: AIDA model, marketing
Abstract: This game introduces n the AIDA (Attention-Interest-Desire-Action) model. AIDA model is a marketing model that traces the cognitive stages through which a customer moves while she/he makes a purchase. These are Attention, referring to the customer becoming aware of the product, Interest where the customer becomes interested in the product, Desire referring to the customer wanting to buy the product and Action, where the customer interacts with the product and proceeds to actions intending to buy it.
Game Description: Your business called SmartJacket started officially a week ago. The sale takes place through the shop because the product must be adapted and tested for each customer separately. However, sales have not developed sufficiently, and the company’s marketing activities need to be intensified. You know that marketing should draw attention, be interesting, get customers to want the product and eventually make customers to buy the product.
Title: Different Impacts
Key words: working remotely
Abstract: Playing this game students learn about the impact of working remotely in their lives.
Game description: What impact does the your location has in the designing process when you work remotely?