Being in the shoes of...
Empathising ConceptBeing in the shoes of...
Being in the Shoes of …’ is any tool that allow you to delve first-hand into the daily life of your target group by living in/experiencing their environment and performing the same tasks as them. Literally becoming one of your users…Day in the life
Empathising ConceptDay in the life
A ‘Day in the Life’ is a tool that involves following and observing a user in his/her typical 24-h life. The objective of this activity is for the researcher to understand the routine and typical activities that the user performs by habit and subconsciously. It is a form of ‘shadowing’ that helps the designer understand the activities from the user’s point of view.
Empathising ConceptInterviews
There is no better way to understand the hopes, desires and aspirations of those you are designing for than by talking with them directly. Interviews primarily collect qualitative data that give insights to the personal behaviours, meanings and experiences of people, for example, how they feel or think about something, or how they respond to a situation.
Diary studies
Empathising ConceptDiary studies
This tool is about supplying users with diaries/journals and asking them to write notes, include pictures, sketch, or/and take videos of their actions or life.
ChoiCo game: The impact of empathy
Empathising ConceptChoiCo game: The impact of empathy
This ChoiCo game can help you create empathy with different target audiences. According to a specific user group, some approaches are easier/better for certain groups as for others. Make sure you don’t neglect a certain audience!
Empathising ConceptQuestionnaires
Questionnaires or surveys are tools that help you generate statistical data about your chosen sample of the population. The aim is to collect information primarily about quantitative details of your users’ background (other than basic demographics), e.g., how many/much time they spend on doing an activity, or how much money they spent on something.
Empathy Map
Empathising ConceptEmpathy Map
The ‘Empathy Map’ is a tool in the form of a canvas that contains 4 quadrants (say, think, do, and feel). Filling the map allows to produce an overview of who the user is, and to identify inconsistencies in the perception of the same user from various team members (and so intervene to mitigate the conflict).
Empathising ConceptObservations
Watching from a distance your target group as they interact with products, services and environments, and identifying areas where problems occur. It can be performed in a short period of time (half a day or a few hours) or for longer periods (e.g., several days, a week, a month, and so on).
ChoiCo game: Approaching empathy
Empathising ConceptChoiCo game: Approaching empathy
This ChoiCo game can help you learn about the different tools and methods to empathize with users. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. Try to empathize as good as possible with your users to understand the problem from their point of view.
Extreme & Mainstream Users
Exploring ConceptExtreme & Mainstream Users
Designing a solution that will work for everyone means taking both extreme users and those in the middle of your target audience into consideration.
Exploring ConceptPersonas
Personas’ is a tool that help you identify users that display common patterns of behaviours and needs. This method is useful for defining a specific target group for your project.
Users' Background
Exploring ConceptUsers' Background
Get to know everything about your target group including cultural and educational aspects. Take it all into consideration. The more you know, the better your results.
Exploring Concept5W2H
This method can help you frame your project with the help of 5W questions (What? Why (e.g., what is the added pedagogical/technological/societal value)? Where? When? Who?) and 2H questions (How? How much?);
Current Needs & Constraints
Exploring ConceptCurrent Needs & Constraints
When framing your challenge, think about what is vital for your project (needs and requirements) in order to be successful. Describe ‘what’ you want to happen. Think about several constraints that describe real-world limitations or boundaries. You could do different analyses (e.g., SWOT, PEST) to frame the landscape your challenge is operating in.
Analogous Inspiration
Exploring ConceptAnalogous Inspiration
To get a fresh perspective on your research and identify new potential challenges, shift your focus to a new context. Analogous settings can help you isolate elements of an experience, interaction or product. You may apply these settings to whatever design challenge you are working on.
Explore Application Areas
Exploring ConceptExplore Application Areas
Think about different domains or application areas in which your project (and possible future solution) can fit in.
Impact Planning
Exploring ConceptImpact Planning
It seems far away, but think already now which impact you want to make with your project and how you can measure this impact.
New Technology
Exploring ConceptNew Technology
Explore how can new technology, e.g., virtual reality, can create new challenges and help solve the problem in a different way.
Project Management
Exploring ConceptProject Management
Think about how you will manage the tasks of your project. How you will communicate tasks, distribute them and so on. One way to manage tasks in your project could be using a SCRUM or the Kanban framework.
Jigsaw Collaboration
Exploring ConceptJigsaw Collaboration
The ‘Jigsaw collaboration’ technique is a method of organising an activity that makes your team members dependent on each other to succeed. It breaks a large team into smaller mixed groups and breaks assignments into pieces that each group assembles to complete the (jigsaw) puzzle.
Organise Information
Exploring ConceptOrganise Information
Think about how you want to organise your data and which method and platform are best suited to keep the overview (broader picture). You could create mindmaps, excels, use (online) whiteboards for organising information (e.g., Miro), organise communication with different channels per subject on Slack, and so on.
Web of Science
Exploring ConceptWeb of Science
Web of Science’ (previously known as Web of Knowledge) is a website which provides subscription-based access to multiple databases that provide comprehensive citation data for many different academic disciplines.
Journal Databases
Exploring ConceptJournal Databases
You can conduct (secondary) research by searching for articles and papers in journals to see what others have done in a similar project/situation, and thus, scientifically support your project, approach and methodology.
Google Scholar
Exploring ConceptGoogle Scholar
Google Scholar’ is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines.
Library Search
Exploring ConceptLibrary Search
Check out your local/university library and ask your teachers/experts which books are a must-read for your project.
Exploring ConceptBenchmarking
Benchmarking is the act of looking for the best (physical) examples/products, practices and/or solutions from industries that are relevant to your project. It sets the ‘bar’ for your work.
Market Research & Analysis
Exploring ConceptMarket Research & Analysis
Conduct your own research (primary research), for example, by administering a questionnaire and/or doing a Porter analysis to understand the 5 key forces that can adjust your strategy.
Exploring ConceptRepositories
A repository is a kind of a digital library. It enables you to share, manage and use educational resources.
Choico game: Textile strain sensors characterization
Exploring ConceptChoico game: Textile strain sensors characterization
‘This ChoiCo game can help you understand the characteristics of different kinds of sensors and the manufacturing processes required for its production.
Customer Journey Map
Contextualize ConceptCustomer Journey Map
A ‘Customer Journey Map’ (CJM) is a visual representation of a user’s journey in experiencing a service or product by showing all the interactions they have at each point/moment.Stakeholders Map
Contextualize ConceptStakeholders Map
A ‘Stakeholders Map’ is a representation of all stakeholders involved in a project that aims at clarifying roles and relationships.
System Map
Contextualize ConceptSystem Map
A ‘System Map’ is a (synthetic) representation that shows in one single frame all the different actors involved in a service delivery and their links (e.g., flows of materials, energy, information, money, documents). The system map clarifies how the different service components and roles are connected to each other, highlighting the values they exchange.
Ecosystem Map
Contextualize ConceptEcosystem Map
An ‘Ecosystem Map’ is a (synthetic) representation capturing all the key roles that have an influence on the user, organisation and service environment. The Ecosystem Map is built by first displaying all the entities, and then connecting them based on the type of value they exchange.
Contextualize ConceptMindmap
A ‘Mind map’ is a diagram used to visually organise information. It is primarily hierarchical in its representation of concepts, and shows relationships among pieces of the whole. Mind Maps are similar in radial structure to Concept Maps but differ in that the former are simplified (by focusing around a single key concept).
Concept Map
Contextualize ConceptConcept Map
A ‘Concept Map’ is a diagram that depicts suggested relationships between concepts. You can use it to organise and structure knowledge.
UML DiagramME
Contextualize ConceptUML DiagramME
A ‘UML diagramme’ is a diagramme based on the Unified Modeling Language with the purpose of visually representing a system (with its main actors, roles, actions, artefacts or classes) in order to better understand, alter, maintain, or document information about the system.
Themes & Topics
Contextualize ConceptThemes & Topics
‘Themes are clusters of reaccuring problems/things your user indicated during the discover phase. The bigger the cluster, the more important to tackle that theme.
Contextualize ConceptInsights
‘An insight is like an “aha” moment you have while reflecting upon the data gathered from the previous phase. It is the ability to have a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation.
Card Sorting
Contextualize ConceptCard Sorting
‘Card sorting’ is a method used to help design or evaluate the information in a certain hierarchy or structure. In a card sorting session, participants organise topics into categories that make sense to them. This sorting activity can help you label these categories and identify themes.
2x2 Matrix
Contextualize Concept2x2 Matrix
‘A ‘2×2 Matrix’ is a tool to scaffold information about users and your design space to reveal relationships. The hope is to uncover insights or areas to explore more deeply. A 2×2 Matrix is also a great way to visually communicate a relationship you want to convey to others.
Focus Groups
Contextualize ConceptFocus Groups
‘Focus Groups’ usually involve six to ten participants in a group discussion lasting 2-3 hours moderated by a skilled facilitator. This tool can help you identify priorities and themes developed by your users.
Synthesis Wall
Contextualize ConceptSynthesis Wall
‘A ‘Synthesis Wall’ is a physical wall/board where you can put up post-it notes to debrief the research sessions and cluster important insights.
Synthesis Wall
Contextualize ConceptSynthesis Wall
‘A ‘Synthesis Wall’ is a physical wall/board where you can put up post-it notes to debrief the research sessions and cluster important insights.
Comparing Notes
Contextualize ConceptComparing Notes
‘Comparing Notes’ is about visually sorting and prioritising a large amount of information about a problem.
Forum Discussions
Contextualize ConceptForum Discussions
‘Create threads of online discussions where team members will post and exhange ideas and resources.
HMW Questions
Contextualize ConceptHMW Questions
‘The ‘HMW (How Might We…) Questions’ tool are short questions to launch a brainstorm on ideating and defining your research question.
HMW Questions
Contextualize ConceptHMW Questions
‘The ‘HMW (How Might We…) Questions’ tool are short questions to launch a brainstorm on ideating and defining your research question.
Aims & Objectives
Setting Criteria ConceptAims & Objectives
Describe the aim and objectives/targets of your project and how you will measure them.
Added Value
Setting Criteria ConceptAdded Value
Describe the criteria that will give your solution an added value compared to other existing products. Define the difference in ‘need to have’ and ‘nice to have’.
Decision Matrix
Setting Criteria ConceptDecision Matrix
A ‘Decision Matrix’ is a tool used to compare alternatives with respect to multiple criteria of different levels of importance. It can be used to rank all the alternatives relative to a ‘fixed’ reference and thus create a partial order of the alternatives.
SWOT Analysis
Setting Criteria ConceptSWOT Analysis
SWOT Analysis’ (or SWOT Matrix) is a strategic planning technique used to help a person or organisation identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to business competition or project planning.
ChoiCo game: Heating outdoor pads - cultural events version
Setting Criteria ConceptChoiCo game: Heating outdoor pads - cultural events version
In this ChoiCo game you need to assess the criteria and requirements for heating outdoor pad for cultural events.
ChoiCo game: Heating outdoor pads - wheelchair version
Setting Criteria ConceptChoiCo game: Heating outdoor pads - wheelchair version
In this ChoiCo game you need to assess the criteria and requirements for heating pads for wheelchairs.
Yes, and...
Ideating for Solutions ConceptYes, and...
Stimulate creative thinking by building on each idea by replying with ‘yes, and …’.
Round Robin
Ideating for Solutions ConceptRound Robin
‘The ‘Round Robin’ option is a technique for generating and developing ideas in a group brainstorming setting. It relies on an iterative process building off consecutive contributions by each participants, conducted in either written or verbal variations.
Ideating for Solutions ConceptCharrette
The ‘Charette’ procedure enables a large group of people to think about one or more ideas, and helps them all to form an opinion.
What if...
Ideating for Solutions ConceptWhat if...
What if…’ is an appreciative brainstorming technique used to expand on ideas. It can expand average ideas into excellent ones.
Role Playing
Ideating for Solutions ConceptRole Playing
Role-playing’ means physically acting out what happens when users interact with products, services or environments.
Ideating for Solutions ConceptScenarios
Scenarios’ are descriptions of one or more users interacting with a system, device, or process to achieve a goal under specified conditions and constraints. They provide information about the context in which a system has to operate in a user- and task-oriented way.
Improvable Boundary Objects
Ideating for Solutions ConceptImprovable Boundary Objects
Improvable Boundary Objects’ are specific objects within communities that are seen as ‘relatively transparent means of conveying meaning among the members of the community who created them’. They can also be the centre around which community members organize their activities. They can additionally operate as tools for communication among the members of the same community, and the members of other communities. The improvable boundary objects afford changes which operate as an ice-breaker between different communities. In discussing and implementing such changes, people with different expertise, role and background negotiate and make themselves explicit.
Powers of Ten
Ideating for Solutions ConceptPowers of Ten
Powers of Ten’ is a reframing technique used as a synthesis or ideation method. It allows your design team to consider the challenge at hand through frames of various magnitudes.
Share Experiences and Stories
Ideating for Solutions ConceptShare Experiences and Stories
Let your target group share experiences and stories of (for example) other solutions they liked.
Forum threaded discussion
Ideating for Solutions ConceptForum threaded discussion
Complement or learn from others’ ideas by engaging in a forum discussion.
Paper & Cardboard Mockups
Prototype ConceptPaper & Cardboard Mockups
Paper & Cardboard Mockups’ are usualy ‘quick-&-dirty’ prototypes that are low-fidelity models that you can use to test with users at an early stage in the project.
Digital Modelling (MaLT2)
Prototype ConceptDigital Modelling (MaLT2)
Digital Modeling’ is the process of creating a computer model of an object on a software (e.g., CAD) that exactly replicates the form of the object.
Digital Artefact using Authoring System
Prototype ConceptDigital Artefact using Authoring System
Develop a digital artefact using an authoring system. An authoring system affords the secondary development and rapid prototype of digital artefacts (e.g., models, simulations).
Simulation Modelling
Prototype ConceptSimulation Modelling
Simulation Modeling’ is the process of creating and analysing a digital prototype of a physical model to predict its performance in the real world. Simulation Modeling can help to understand whether, under what conditions, and in which ways a part could fail, and what loads it can withstand.
Simplified Analytic Calculations
Prototype ConceptSimplified Analytic Calculations
Calculate the analytic grid to visualise how your product might work/look.
ChoiCo game: Design a smart fabric sensor
Prototype ConceptChoiCo game: Design a smart fabric sensor
In this ChoiCo game you need to make the right choices of components and technologies in order to construct smart fabric sensors under certain constraints of time and cost of each piece.
Wizard of Oz
Prototype ConceptWizard of Oz
The ‘Wizard of Oz’ method is a process that allows a user to interact with an interface without knowing that the responses are being generated by a human rather than a computer by having someone behind-the-scenes who is pulling the levers and flipping the switches.
Service Blueprints
Prototype ConceptService Blueprints
A ‘Service Blueprint’ is a diagramme that visualises the relationships between different service components – people, props, and processes – that are directly tied to touchpoints in a specific customer journey.
3D Printing
Prototype Concept3D Printing
3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file.
3D Scaler
Prototype Concept3D Scaler
Develop complex 3D algorithms and software for the three-dimensional presentation of the textile structures – braided, warp and weft knitted, woven and other special combinations.
Involve Users
Testing while developing ConceptInvolve Users
Take your prototypes to your user and test for the first time.
Set up Test with Scenarios and Tasks
Testing while developing ConceptSet up Test with Scenarios and Tasks
To gather relevant and comparable data, set up your tests with specific scenarios and tasks your user needs to do.
Quality Testing
Testing while developing ConceptQuality Testing
Run quality tests on your preliminary solution(s).
Feedback Loops
Testing while developing ConceptFeedback Loops
Feedback Loops’ signify a relationship between variables in a system where the consequences of an event feed back into the system as input, modifying the event in the future.
Testing while developing ConceptSSC
With ‘SSC’ (Stop – Start – Continue) you can determine what you should stop doing within this project, what you should start doing and what can be continued.
Testing while developing ConceptAID
With ‘AID’ (Action – Impact – Desired alternative) you look back at certain actions, their impact and what would be a desired action or alternative.
Testing while developing ConceptBOOST
The ‘BOOST’ (Balanced – Observed – Objective – Specific – Timely) feedback model considers how to give or prepare the feedback.
Testing while developing ConceptDESC
The ‘DESC’ (describe – Express – Specify – Consequences) feedback technique is a way to express what could be done more, less or differently in order to enhance the performance and maximise the effectiveness.
Threaded Forum Discussion
Testing while developing ConceptThreaded Forum Discussion
In a ‘Threaded Forum Discussion’ members from different teams exchange prototypes and ideas and discuss to find the best possible solutions.
Peer testing and evaluation
Testing while developing ConceptPeer testing and evaluation
Teams exchange artefacts, use them and providing feedback.
Compare with your Set of Criteria
Testing while developing ConceptCompare with your Set of Criteria
Go back to the criteria you set out and compare if your solutions meet the criteria.
Iterative Refinement
Testing while developing ConceptIterative Refinement
The testing and feedback count as valuable refinements of your solution. Do not be afraid to keep going back to your user for more testing and refining, or to any other phase/country or city you think will help you improve this work.
Involve Users
Final Testing ConceptInvolve Users
Take your prototype(s) to your user -again- and refine the prototype even more. After thorough refinement with your user, do a final test with your user and prototype.Scenarios & Tasks
Final Testing ConceptScenarios & Tasks
Set up tests with real-life scenarios and specific tasks your user needs to do so you get a good understanding of how your product will or could be used.
Quality Testing
Final Testing ConceptQuality Testing
Run quality tests on your final solution(s).
Feedback Loops
Final Testing ConceptFeedback Loops
Feedback Loops’ signify a relationship between variables in a system where the consequences of an event feed back into the system as input, modifying the event in the future.
Final Testing ConceptSSC
With ‘SSC’ (Stop – Start – Continue) you can determine what you should stop doing within this project, what you should start doing and what can be continued.
Final Testing ConceptAID
With ‘AID’ (Action – Impact – Desired alternative) you look back at certain actions, their impact and what would be a desired action or alternative.
Final Testing ConceptBOOST
The ‘BOOST’ (Balanced – Observed – Objective – Specific – Timely) feedback model considers how to give or prepare the feedback.
Final Testing ConceptDESC
The ‘DESC’ (describe – Express – Specify – Consequences) feedback technique is a way to express what could be done more, less or differently in order to enhance the performance and maximise the effectiveness.
Threaded Forum Discussion
Final Testing ConceptThreaded Forum Discussion
In a ‘Threaded Forum Discussion’ members from different teams exchange prototypes and ideas and discuss to find the best possible solutions.
Peer testing and evaluation
Final Testing ConceptPeer testing and evaluation
Teams exchange artefacts, use them and providing feedback.
Compare with your Set of Criteria
Final Testing ConceptCompare with your Set of Criteria
Analyse if the outcomes correspond to the intitial targets and design principles.
Iterative Refinement
Final Testing ConceptIterative Refinement
If necessary, you can still tweak your solution to better fit the feedback and needs of your target group.
Financial reporting
Final Testing ConceptFinancial reporting
With ‘Financial Reporting’ you can evaluate the costs of your solution.
Risk Management
Final Testing ConceptRisk Management
Risk Management’ refers to the practice of identifying potential risks in advance, analysing them and taking precautionary steps to reduce/curb the risk.
Report on Performance
Final Testing ConceptReport on Performance
Report on the performance of your solutions. How and when will your solution flourish?
Evaluation Matrix
Final Testing ConceptEvaluation Matrix
Evaluation Matrices’ are used to evaluate a number of options against prioritised criteria.
ChoiCo game: UX manager running the gauntlet
Final Testing ConceptChoiCo game: UX manager running the gauntlet
‘In this Choico game you will need to make informed resource allocation decisions in order to ensure sustainable profitability.
Business Model Canvas
Canvasses ConceptBusiness Model Canvas
With the ‘BMC’ (Business Model Canvas) you can visualise and communicate a simple story of your business model or use the canvas to explore new business models whether you are a start-up or an existing business.
Value Proposition Canvas
Canvasses ConceptValue Proposition Canvas
With the ‘VPC’ (Value Proposition Model) you can further define your customer profiles, visualise the value you create, and achieve Product-Market fit.
Social Business Model Canvas
Canvasses ConceptSocial Business Model Canvas
With the ‘SBMC’ (Social Business Model Canvas) you can create a solid business model around your social enterprise.
Mission Model Canvas
Canvasses ConceptMission Model Canvas
The ‘MMC’ (Mission Model Canvas) is an adaptation of the Business Model Canvas for organisations whose primary goal is not to earn money, but to fulfill a mission.Flourishing Business Canvas
Canvasses ConceptFlourishing Business Canvas
The ‘FBC’ (Flourishing Business Canvas) is a visual design tool that embeds a common language to enable more effective collaboration by any group of stakeholders deemed relevant to designing the economic, social and environmental aspects of an organisation’s business model. There’s a strong focus on creating a sustainable revolution which is socially beneficial, environmentally regenerative and financially viable.
Corporate Innovation Canvas
Canvasses ConceptCorporate Innovation Canvas
The ‘CIC’ (Corporate Innovation Canvas) is a canvas a corporation can use to explore, organise, and, most importantly, focus their target innovation outcomes.
Powerpoint presentation
Presenting Work ConceptPowerpoint presentation
Present your work via a powerpoint presentation or another presentation program.
Presenting Work ConceptStorytelling
Storytelling is the process of using fact and narrative to communicate something to your audience. Some stories are factual, and some are embellished or improvised in order to better explain the core message.
Presenting Work ConceptDocumentation
Be sure to have documentation ready of your process so interested parties can make informed decisions.
Pecha Kucha
Pitching ConceptPecha Kucha
Pecha Kucha’ is a storytelling format where a presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds of commentary each (6 minutes and 40 seconds total).
Elevator Pitch
Pitching ConceptElevator Pitch
An ‘Elevator Pitch’ is a brief, persuasive speech that you use to spark interest in what your organisation does. You can also use them to create interest in a project, idea, or product – or in yourself. A good elevator pitch should last no longer than a short elevator ride of 20 to 30 seconds, hence the name.
Project Afterlife ConceptRoadmap
You will need a clear timeline and a plan of action to get your idea out into the world. A ‘Roadmap’ keeps you on time and on target.
Market Entry Strategy & and Development
Project Afterlife ConceptMarket Entry Strategy & and Development
Market Entry Strategy & Development’ is a planned distribution and delivery method of goods or services to a new target market.
Channel Strategy
Project Afterlife ConceptChannel Strategy
Channel Strategy’ is about define the detailed plan for selling effectively through a particular distribution channel or combination of channels.
Marketing Strategy
Project Afterlife ConceptMarketing Strategy
Marketing strategy’ is a long-term, forward-looking approach and an overall game plan of any organisation or any business with the fundamental goal of achieving a sustainable competitive advantage by understanding the needs and want of customers.
Sustainability Plan
Project Afterlife ConceptSustainability Plan
The ‘Sustainability Plan’ describes how your project will be sustained in the long term. It focusses (amongst others) on community, financial, and organisational sustainability.
Life Cycle Analysis
Project Afterlife ConceptLife Cycle Analysis
The ‘LCA’ (Life Cycle Assessment) is a very popular analysis for reporting potential environmental loads and resources consumed in each step of a product or service supply chain.
Supplier Evaluation
Project Afterlife ConceptSupplier Evaluation
Supplier Evaluation’ refers to the process of assessing and approving potential suppliers by quantitative and qualitative assessment. The purpose is to ensure a portfolio of best in class suppliers is available for use.
Simulation of Production, Delivery Cost & Time
Project Afterlife ConceptSimulation of Production, Delivery Cost & Time
It is of interest to investors to have a simulation of your production process, with delivery time and costs at hand.